Mia: A tax client working hard to maintain her dream

Our tax client Mia

As a single mom of two young kids many years ago, Mia benefited greatly from the support of food stamps, cash assistance, and housing assistance. Early on she had the goal of someday owning her own home saying, “Instead of paying someone else’s mortgage, I want to pay my own.”

She has been working hard towards that goal ever since – at Mellon, a candy factory, and currently in housekeeping at a hotel to name a few. Mia shares, “I do what I have to, to take care of my kids.”

In 2008, Mia accomplished her goal and bought a home in Sheridan. She received help from Mothers for Mortgage and shares that they are “an excellent organization.” She had a great real estate agent and good people around her, guiding her through the home buying process.

Mothers for Mortgage had programs that taught her how to budget and determine what type of home she can afford. “Everyone buying a home needs to go through them.”

This year was the first time Mia had her taxes prepared at Just Harvest. Previously she was going to the City-County building where she had to arrive by 5:30am and wait for a long time to get them done.

Mia said she was very happy to be coming to Just Harvest. This year she plans to use her refund for bills, home repairs, and much needed dental work.


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