They say life is like a river, full of twists and turns you don’t always see coming. This fisherman would probably agree.
Ron: A retiree who’s come to depend on our tax assistance
A former steel worker with a pension, Ron is doing better than many, but sees the value in programs that help those in need.
Power of the Pen participants submit public comments to protect SNAP
Most Americans understand that hunger doesn’t help people find jobs. It was time to make that clear to the Trump administration.
2019 D-Jam provides community response to hunger
I’m often asked to explain who is hungry in our community and why. The answer is often not what people expect.
Denise’s tax refund will pay for important home improvements
Denise has come to our free tax assistance program for years. This working mother and grandmother knows only too well that every dollar counts.
Pres. Trump’s new budget is all sunshine and rainbows — for the wealthy
This “bully’s budget” projects great fortune for the next 10 years — as long as you’re powerful and wealthy, and don’t check the actual math.
Food assistance for the hungry shouldn’t have a time limit
Don’t let Washington officials take food away from 755,000 people, including 90,000 in PA. Help stop Pres. Trump’s latest attack on people in poverty.
New chefs and dozens of soups at the 2019 Empty Bowls
A wide variety of soups will be offered at the event, including Mulligatawny, Wild Mushroom and Rutabaga, and of course the ever-favorite Chicken Noodle.
Power of the Pen participants speak out against the government shutdown
On February 7, we launched our new monthly action series to use letters to elected officials and newspapers as a way to take action against hunger.
National Transit Equity Day: Why public transit is a civil right
Just Harvest joined Pittsburghers for Public Transit and other allies to highlight how transit equity is a civil rights issue for those who are likely to be in poverty.