Stretch Carter: Fresh Access logo designer and former tax client

Josh "Stretch" CarterIn 2014, prior to the second year of our Fresh Access program, we got a cool logo for the program thanks to the design and illustration expertise of Josh Carter.

Fresh Access Logo

Fresh Access Logo, designed by Stretch Carter.

How did we know the guy who goes by “Stretch”? Well, he was a former client of our Free Tax Preparation program for low-income households.

Stretch had never gotten professional help filing his taxes before when he came to see us in 2011. He came to Just Harvest because “Being self-employed I had several questions about the tax system. I wanted to talk to a professional I knew was looking out for my best interests.”

He found the experience “straight-forward and even inviting. Everything I had to do was explained to me and everyone seemed happy to help.”

Stretch returned in subsequent years for our help, and since then his business has grown and he’s become engaged.

We can’t take credit for either of those things, of course. Or can we?

Stretch first heard about our tax program through his girlfriend, now fiancee. Just the type of good sense and caring support that inspires a marriage proposal? Hmm….


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