Join us this summer! Internships and VISTA positions now open

It’s seems like just yesterday we were welcoming 3 new VISTA members and five interns to our team. Sadly, their terms are soon coming to an end, which puts us in the place of seeking a fresh crop of enthusiastic new team members.

If you’re looking for a hands-on way to get involved in fighting hunger and poverty in our region while honing your professional skills, check out our current openings!

We are looking for:

How awesome is working at Just Harvest? Let’s ask outgoing intern, Josh Berman:

Joshua BermanAs an intern with Just Harvest, I have been provided an incredible opportunity to enhance my professional skills while addressing issues that I am passionate about. I’ve had the chance to work on issues of poverty and hunger through many different channels, and a diverse and active staff ensure interns have ample opportunity to engage in a variety of projects.

Working in an organization that balances direct services for clients with advocacy and policy work is truly unique, and has given me a chance to expand my understanding of how non-profit organizations are able to function as a vehicle for community change.

Finally, Just Harvest staff strike a balance between supervision and independence. Supervision is crucial to any young professional’s development, however I am truly thankful that Just Harvest has entrusted me to complete my projects with a degree of autonomy. As I move forward with my career I leave knowing I am well prepared to take on the many challenges of this work, and I thank Just Harvest for preparing me so fully.

– Joshua Berman, Organizing Intern 2014-15

So, you heard the man (or read his words, rather). Joining our team is great – so check out our openings and apply!


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