Earlier this month we joined dozens of affordable housing advocates to speak out in support of Pittsburgh City Councilman Dan Lavelle’s proposed Housing Opportunity Fund. Here’s why.
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Articles and notes from Just Harvest staff and partners.
Pittsburgh Housing Opportunity Fund a good start for affordable housing
For a variety of reasons, Pittsburgh is now short nearly 20,000 units of affordable housing. A new city bill would help address the crisis.
We’re looking for an Americorps member!
Just Harvest is looking for someone who is fluent in Spanish to help us address barriers to accessing vital public benefits and healthy foods .
National hunger expert Joel Berg to appear at Harvest Celebration Dinner
We are thrilled to announce that the keynote speaker at our premier event in October will be noted anti-hunger leader and bold spokesman Joel Berg.
Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Raynette
After hearing about our work to improve access to healthy foods in neighborhoods across the region, Raynette Griff knew she wanted to make a difference.
Why a volunteer credits Just Harvest for his healthy lifestyle
One of Just Harvest’s most committed volunteers, Forrest Kesterson credits his local farmers market and our Fresh Access program for keeping him healthy, in body and spirit.
Join us on June 27 for a PA Budget Day of Action
Pennsylania’s budget deadline is June 30. Monday is the day to tell our legislators get their priorities straight.
Why Thursday is James’ favorite day of the week
For James, Thursday means Fresh Access, which means shopping for the freshest local produce at one of Pittsburgh’s two downtown farmers markets.
Opening for Americorps VISTA Member
Just Harvest has an opening for a full-time VISTA through the Anti-Hunger and Opportunity Corps! We are seeking an individual to serve for a full year, starting August 2016.
Why Work for Welfare Doesn’t Work
The idea that only some Americans in poverty deserve help stems from assumptions about poverty and work that don’t match up with reality.