We’re launching 30 Weeks of Action against hunger

30 Just HarvestWhen we opened Just Harvest’s doors at the end of 1986, it was an experiment in whether our community could sustain a grassroots advocacy voice for low-income and hungry people, a voice that would speak truth to power, that would demolish false stereotypes about our struggling neighbors, and would respond to the root causes of hunger and poverty.

That was thirty years ago. Six Mayors of Pittsburgh ago. Seven Governors of Pennsylvania. Six Presidents of the United States.

In 1986, the Pittsburgh Public Schools did not yet have a school breakfast program. (Winning that was our first victory.) And Donald Trump had not even gone bankrupt once.

Your engagement in this work, and Just Harvest’s continuing presence in our community, is proof that this experiment has been a success. By “success” I do not mean that we have won on every issue, or that hunger is a thing of the past. Far from it.

Success means that the values that drive us forward are powerful. And it is powerful to state them, with pride and with purpose:

  • Everyone has a fundamental right to food; hunger is unacceptable.
  • Hunger is political; ending it requires political action.
  • Sound public policy that promotes economic justice is the first and best line of defense against hunger and poverty.

We know you share these values, but many in our government do not. They are seeking a Pennsylvania and a United States of altogether different values, where too many will suffer as a result.

We know you share these values, values that are now under a new level of attack by federal legislators and officials, attacks that are hurting Pennsylvania and our communities.

Now is the time for us to band together and push back.

Starting May 28 we will honor our 30 years of progress by launching 30 weeks of action. Every week from June until the end of the year, Just Harvest will invite our supporters to take action through advocacy, service, coalition-building, and raising awareness.

These 30 actions will vary in type, target, and focus. But they will all marshal the power of our shared values, experience, knowledge, and numbers. They will create a force to be reckoned with.

We hope you’ll join us:

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Week 1: Take Action for a Fair State Budget

Week 2: Stop Trump’s Starvation Budget

Week 3: Help hungry seniors get fresh food

Week 4: Come to our next Action Against Hunger Team monthly meeting

Week 5: Stop U.S. Senate leaders from destroying health care

Week 6: Help promote Summer Food for hungry kids

Week 7: Help promote farmers markets as great for families

Week 8: Tell Pa. legislators to tax Marcellus Shale gas, not attack people on Medicaid

Week 9: Tell your U.S. Rep to oppose the new Republican House budget plan

Week 10: Become a Just Harvest member

Week 11: Support local farmers!

Week 12: We Make Pittsburgh Town Hall

Week 13: Meet with your Congressman

Week 14: Stand up for a new Pittsburgh economy that works for everyone

Week 15: Put pressure on Rep. Turzai to pass the state budget

Week 16: Nationwide call-in to stop Trump’s fake “tax reform”

Week 17: It’s time to talk about you

Week 18: Get ready for the next election

Week 19: Say NO to “tax reform” and budget cuts

Week 20: Protect school lunches from federal budget cuts

Week 21: Ask Gov. Wolf to veto Medicaid work requirements

Week 22: Join us at our Oct. 25 Harvest Celebration Dinner

Week 23: Sign up to help low-income people access tax relief

Week 24: Make voting a habit

Week 25: Tell Rep. Rothfus you can’t afford fake tax reform

Week 26: Shop local this week to support fresh food access for all

Week 27: Help protect public transit in Allegheny County food deserts

Week 28: Be part of a public discussion about poverty on WQED

Week 29: Help target four Pa. members of the U.S. House to stop the tax bill

30 Weeks of Action

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