Take Action to Change Public Policy

Hunger is injustice. Together we can end it!

Just Harvest staff and members at the April 15, 2015 Fight for $15 rally in PittsburghHunger and poverty are caused by political choices that shape public policy. Ending hunger means improving those choices and policies.

Let your representatives in government know how you feel. It is our right – and our responsibility – as constituents to speak out for our needs and demand action. Your votes, calls and emails make a difference!


Current Actions

Produce for sale at Market Square Farmers Market Take Action: Expand Nutrition Incentives in PA (5/31/2024) - Only 8.4% of Pennsylvania adults are eating the recommended serving of fruit per day. Healthy food is too expensive for the 1 in 9 food insecure Pennsylvanians. Unhealthy diets and […]
senior woman in dairy aisle of grocery store considering items in dairy case Increase the SNAP minimum benefit in PA (3/10/2024) - Reach out to PA state senator and representative to include Gov. Shapiro’s increase to SNAP in the upcoming state budget.
Congress Must Act Before the Affordable Connectivity Program Ends This Spring (1/25/2024) - The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), administered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), is slated to run out of funding. Join us and urge Congress to pass a permanent extension.
Let's make the expanded Child Tax Credit permanent! Let’s Make Expansions to the Child Tax Credit Permanent (1/20/2024) - Urge Senators to: swiftly take up and vote “yes” to expand the Child Tax Credit.
Ending Medical Debt is Critical to Ending Hunger (12/21/2023) - Medical Debt is still the number one reason for bankruptcy in America. Contact your PA Senator to support stronger patient protections that can help prevent debt!
We don't need a tax code that rewards wewalth more than it rewards work. - Joe Biden Pennsylvania Senate should pass a state Earned Income Tax Credit (6/13/2023) - The PA House has passed HB1272, which would boost the income of eligible workers with children in Pennsylvania. Urge the state Senate to make it law.
Photo of schoo lunch tray with red apple, broccoli, container of milk, whole wheat tortilla sandwich with chicken and bell peppers, and sweet potato french fries (via USDA/flickr) PA should address child hunger through free school meals (3/31/2023) - More children are going hungry as pandemic nutrition supports end. It’s time for Pennsylvania to make school meals free.

Recent Actions

We need a Pittsburgh Food Justice Fund in 2023 The 2023 Pittsburgh city budget must address food apartheid (10/25/2022) - We have a critical opportunity in the coming weeks to advance the Pittsburgh Food Justice Fund to address deep inequities in neighborhood food access.
Kid eating watermelon via Flickr/Riley Kaminer Take Action: Help stop summer hunger (8/25/2022) - Use our quick and easy form to email your members of Congress to support a new bill that would keep kids fed when school is out.
Nicole and son Nicole’s story: It’s time to Build Back for Justice (4/28/2022) - “All of us should be able to have a roof over our heads, take care of our kids, and live with dignity. The 2021 Child Tax Credit made that possible […]

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