Week 1: Take Action for a Fair State Budget

Join us in Harrisburg on June 5th to fight for a people's budget

Today Just Harvest is launching Thirty Weeks of Action to celebrate our thirty years of service, policy advocacy, community education, and amplifying the voices of people in poverty.

Every Monday, we’ll have news of a way for you to take action against hunger with Just Harvest sometime that week.

For our very first action, we invite you to join us on Monday, June 5th for a statewide Day of Action for a Budget that Puts People First. We will make clear that Pa. legislators must protect basic human needs and raise the minimum wage in the next state budget, due June 30th. We must also protect the funding Gov. Wolf has set aside to address the fact that only half of eligible Pennsylvanian children are getting school breakfast.

The Pennsylvania Budget will determine the future for families all across the state. Pa. legislators are considering cutting millions from the budget so they can continue to give tax cuts for millionaires and wealthy corporations. These ongoing tax cuts come with a huge cost for working Pennsylvanians. To balance the budget, PA Representatives plan to slash funding for community services, healthcare, education, and our environment.

That’s why Just Harvest will join hundreds of people and organizations from all across Pennsylvania in Harrisburg to demand a People’s Budget on June 5th! We will march, rally, and meet with legislators one-on-one to demand a budget that works for all of Pennsylvania.

Here are a few other ways you can help support a People’s Budget before the June 30th budget deadline:

PA Budget 2017: Fighting for a Budget that Puts People First -- key dates in June for action

  • Speak out on social media! Share this facebook post and post/tweet with the hashtags #PAPeoplesBudget or #PABudget about why you demand a People’s Budget!
  • Call your state legislators and make sure they understand your concerns about a state budget that gives enormous tax breaks to the wealthiest corporations while cutting essential funding for basic human needs and needed community investments.
  • Contact our grassroots organizer, Helen Gerhardt, by email or phone to participate in a lobbying visit with a local State representative or senator.

And sign up to receive Just Harvest’s 30 Weeks of Action in your inbox. In the coming weeks, you’ll receive more information about specific actions you can take to fight for a fair and humane Pennsylvania state budget, reduce senior hunger, support fresh food access in under-served neighborhoods, and help to empower low-income communities.

We are glad to be taking action with you!

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