Week 19: Say NO to Fake “Tax Reform”

Don't cut Medicaid to give tax breaks to the rich. Not one penny in tax cuts for the rich and corporations.

Right now Pres. Trump and Republican leaders in D.C. are trying to sell the public on a scheme they’re calling “tax reform.” They claim it will it give tax breaks to everyone, help our economy, and fill our nation with rainbows and ponies.

Independent analysts have made clear what this so-called reform will really do:

  • provide giant tax breaks to the rich and corporations;
  • provide measly tax breaks to middle- and low-income families that, for families with more than 1 child, will leave them paying higher taxes than they do now;
  • require low-income people undergo a mini-audit by the IRS if they are claiming sorely-needed tax breaks (the EITC);
  • starve our government of trillions of dollars, crippling its ability to meet any of our needs and requiring huge budget cuts to social programs.

So if you care about people having access to Medicaid, SNAP/food stamps, school meals, a clean environment, well-funded schools, affordable housing and child care, public transit and infrastructure, job training and development or anything that government pays for to make our society better and more fair — then don’t believe this so-called “tax reform” they’re trying to cram down our throats.

It’s the same, tired, old trickle-down hype. It has never, ever worked for us. It only works for them.


This week – probably Thursday, Oct. 5 – the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to take up a Budget Resolution that will fast-track trillions of dollars in tax cuts, nearly all for the wealthy and corporations. That’s 80% of tax cuts going to the top 1% by 2027, unless we stop them.

We need to do everything possible to send a crystal clear message to our federal legislators: “Hands off! Our hard-earned tax dollars should be invested in OUR lives, OUR communities, OUR well-being! Not one penny more to the top until you protect and lift up the bottom!”

1. Join Just Harvest, One PA, and SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania on Wednesday to be part of a national day of action.

WHEN: Wed. Oct. 4, 12-1pm
WHERE: Market Square, Downtown Pittsburgh

(Contact Helen Gerhardt at [email protected] or (412) 431-8960 x105 with any questions. You can also invite your friends and get the word out about this event on Facebook.)

2. Call your legislator Monday-Wednesday this week.

Tell them to Vote NO on the House budget: it slashes trillions from Medicaid, Medicare, food and income assistance, education, housing and more, to pay for tax cuts for the rich and corporations.

WHEN: Monday – Wednesday, October 2, 3 & 4:
WHERE: Call 1-888-516-5820* (enter your zip code and you’ll be connected to your rep.)

*Thanks to the Communications Workers of America for the use of this toll-free number.

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