Week 13: Meet with your Congressman

Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA) | | John Shinkle/POLITICO

Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA)

For those of you with kids, you’re probably counting down the final few days until school starts (if it hasn’t already!) and trying to figure out how to squeeze in that last bit of summer fun.

Our members of Congress are also facing the final days of their August recess before heading back to D.C. after Labor Day. So we are looking to squeeze in that last bit of face time with them before they go back.

There’s a whole lot that Congress needs to accomplish in September – most importantly, passing a budget by September 30th. Republican leaders have already been prepping “tax reforms” that benefit the wealthy and budget proposals that drastically cut back public benefits in order to pay for those tax cuts.

What will be the net result of their plans? Low- and middle-income families will be worse off.

We need to make sure our members of Congress have their priorities straight. So we’re going to visit them at their home offices in Allegheny County. We’ll make clear that voters in their district see what Pres. Trump and his supporters in Congress are planning – a budget and tax overhaul that will take from the poor and middle class to give to the rich. And we’ll make clear we don’t support it.

This is your chance to weigh in as a constituent who will be hurt by these policies – to remind your legislator that he must serve all Pennsylvnanians, not just the wealthy.


1. Let us know if you want to join us on a legislative visit to your Congress member. We are still scheduling these visits for next week. If you are interested in telling him why a fair budget and fair taxes are important to you, please let us know by filling out this short sign-up form. All meetings will be during business hours. No experience required.

2. Come to this Saturday’s Action Against Hunger Team meeting to learn effective advocacy techniques and get comfortable talking about how your experiences are affected by public policy. Even if you can’t make an upcoming legislative visit, sharing your story is powerful when contacting your legislator by phone or email, or when sending a Letter to the Editor to your favorite newspaper.

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