Week 12: We Make Pittsburgh Town Hall

We Make Pittsburgh Town HallWe make Pittsburgh. All of us. No matter our race, our ethnicity, our country of origin.

But Pittsburgh isn’t always working for us.

This Thursday, Just Harvest will be standing with workers from across this city who are ready to build alternatives to low wages, lousy jobs, and under-served communities. We will also be standing up against the ugly bigotry – demonstrated in Charlottesville but also alive and well in Pittsburgh – that keeps people divided.

These divisions have been deepening across the U.S. and Pennsylvania. The Trump Administration and lawmakers around the country are currently attempting to worsen them by passing laws that divide and conquer us based on our identities, that criminalize peaceful protest, and that attack the right to organize for living wages, safe working conditions, or health benefits.

They are attempting to cut funding for the most basic investments in job training, health care, affordable housing, and healthy food for struggling families. And all of this to give enormous tax breaks and more power to corporations that don’t even pay their workers enough to live on.

Pittsburgh can resist and oppose these forces, but only if we refuse to be divided. We must stop fighting over crumbs. We must unite and demand a voice in the decisions that are shaping our economy and our communities.


1. Please joins us tomorrow evening as we learn how we can stand together for our basic needs and rights.

WHEN: Tuesday, August 17th

WHERE: The Kinsgley Association: 6435 Frankston Ave. PGH 15206

TIME: 6:00 p.m.

Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Free food and child care provided.

2. Bring a friend! You know — that person who’s always complaining about how bad their job is. Maybe it’s even a coworker. Or three. Bring ’em.

3. Spread the word:

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