Week 10: Become a Just Harvest member

holding hands in shadowsWe’ve been taking action against hunger for thirty years, and we’ve never seen anything like the current policy climate.

At the state and federal level, we’re facing a barrage of heartless, unjust legislation. Every week, we witness new attacks against those of us who are asking not for a handout but for a leg up.

That’s why we launched 30 Weeks of Action Against Hunger in June. We are using this public campaign to grow our membership to respond to the dangers at hand. And every week we see more people taking part.

Which is why we have an important ask of you right now:

Join Just Harvest. Because in these troubling times, please know this: we can win! Just Harvest is part of a national movement for economic justice. That movement is growing stronger every day in response to current threats. Our supporters are beside us in this struggle as well.

People have met our calls to action in an incredible way over the last year. As activists, volunteers, and with monetary support.

Wherever hunger and economic injustice rear their heads, Just Harvest is there in full force. Our board, our staff, and, most importantly, people like you.

Our members are our strength. Please join us and commit to protecting vulnerable families, friends, and neighbors from whatever comes next. Policy action, volunteerism, and your hard-earned dollars are each necessary to victory in the fight against hunger. The power to decide which combination of those things defines your own anti-hunger role lies within you, not us.



The coming year will surely bring new battles in the fight against hunger and poverty. But with you on our side, these battles can be won. It is time to hold our nation accountable to its promise to help hungry people, and to put hope into action.

We need you now more than ever. Your involvement, in whatever form it takes – a contribution of your money, your time, or your activism – makes us powerful. Your membership makes Just Harvest stronger and our country more just. It amplifies the voices of those in need, supports a decent life for all, and counters the idea that hunger and poverty are acceptable.

One of our members has pledged to match the first $5,000 in membership gifts. Since we launched this membership drive we have used $3,200 of this matching pool towards our total goal of $10,000 in member contributions.

If you choose to become a Just Harvest member today by making a monetary gift you can double your contribution at www.justharvest.org/join-us!

But whichever way you choose to declare your membership, we are happy and grateful to know we can count on you.


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