Take action to prevent a government shutdown!

stop the shutdown!

URGENT: We have to act fast!

Congress has until 11:59pm on September 30th to pass a budget for the nation. If they don’t, the government will shut down.

Whatever political tumult is going on among Republicans in the House of Representatives right now, one thing is clear: Americans can’t afford to wait for them to get their act together and their priorities straight. We need a budget NOW that fully funds food stamps for the 47 million Americans who are currently in need of SNAP benefits, as well as WIC, housing subsidies, and other critical assistance programs.

We need a budget that doesn’t hold the American people hostage to the political football of the day. Right now, we need a “clean Continuing Resolution (CR)” to keep the government operating.

What you can do

Call both of your U.S. Senators and tell them: “Congress needs to pass a clean CR! My community cannot afford the pain and desperation of seniors, children, working families, and the disabled going without the help they need.”

Contact both Sen. Toomey and Casey:

Contact your representative:

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