Just Harvest and Community Kitchen Pittsburgh join forces through summer food program

This summer, Just Harvest and Community Kitchen Pittsburgh are teaming up to fight hunger!

Community Kitchen Pittsburgh traineeThrough the federal Summer Food Service Program, Community Kitchen Pittsburgh has been creating healthy, from-scratch meals provided at no cost to children around the city. Community Kitchen Pittsburgh is working with Just Harvest to encourage families whose children receive summer meals to apply for SNAP benefits (aka “food stamps”).

Community Kitchen uses all of our meal production as the foundation to train adults with barriers to employment for good jobs in the food industry. Our summer food program meals are prepared in a commissary kitchen by our trainees, under the guidance of chef trainers, as they learn culinary skills, from basic knife cuts to advanced cooking techniques.

Children at the local summer food sites – at summer camps, libraries, and community centers – have been given bookmarks to take home with them with information on how to apply for food stamps through Just Harvest. Toward the end of the summer, Just Harvest will work with some of these sites to provide food stamp outreach to parents and guardians.

Together, Community Kitchen Pittsburgh and Just Harvest are working to bring increased access to healthy food across the city!

This coordinated effort is made possible by a grant from Catalyst Kitchens. Catalyst Kitchens is a collaborative network of organizations with a shared vision to empower lives through job training, self-generate revenue through social enterprise, and nourish bodies and minds through quality food service.

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