Tell Congress to protect summer meals through Child Nutrition Reauthorization

Boys eating at USDA summer meal program | flickr.comRoughly one in five children in our region live in poverty and rely on free school meals to keep from going hungry. What do they do when school is out?

Thanks to federal funding they can head to neighborhood summer meal sites for 1-3 meals and a snack every day.

Let’s make sure this won’t be the last year of summer meals.

Join us along with Food Research Action Center and other national anti-hunger organizations on Tuesday, June 23rd for a Day of Action to urge our Members of Congress to invest in and improve critical child nutrition programs.

As momentum is building in the House and the Senate, we need to join together in one unified effort and urge our elected legislators to support two bipartisan bills—the Summer Meals Act of 2015 and the Stop Child Summer Hunger Act of 2015—that have great potential to dramatically reduce hunger during the summer months.

Just Harvest has joined the City of Pittsburgh and local anti-hunger advocates in launching GrubUp last week, to expand local access to summer meals for hungry children in this city.

We need your help before, during, and after the Day of Action to make sure our efforts propel the Congress to pass a robust child nutrition bill so that GrubUp and other summer meals programs will be here for summers to come.

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