Publication Types Archives: Newsletters

The print version of Just Harvest News has been discontinued and is now sent via email monthly. You can sign up for it here. After a hiatus, the Welfare Agitator is now back in print. Sign up to receive it by mail or in your inbox every two months here.

Just Harvest News, Fall 2013

It’s time to fix welfare!; 25th Anniversary Harvest Celebration Dinner a great success; Barriers to Benefits; Our seven demands to improve the DPW; Hunger funds sought in city budget; Food policy council wraps up farmers market campaign; 2014 summer food plans advanced; Fresh Access won’t stop at success; Getting ready for tax season; A new; In memoriam

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Just Harvest News, Summer 2013

War on food stamps declared; Just Harvest holds grassroots meeting – mobilization begins on food stamps issues; Taking it to the streets; Maria reports from Detroit: Supersize the minimum wage; Keep payday lending out of PA; Leading the way once again – “A Menu for Food Justice” puts food deserts on the map; Tax season helps more people than ever; In memoriam

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Just Harvest News, Summer 2010

Stop Congress’ raid on food stamp benefits; Victory: City council passes capital budget reform; Unprecedented food stamp growth continues; A state of emergency: we need to address rising poverty now; Child Nutrition Reauthorization (H.R. 5504) – Passage of the child nutrition bill this year a must; Extension sought for TANF emergency fund; Progress: State commission challenges DPW on special allowance regulations; Legislative visits press anti-poverty policies; “Food, Inc.” documentary attracts 200+; Summer food program faces challenges; Progressive tax credits help low-income families

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Just Harvest News, Fall 2009

Just Harvest organizes visit to Sen. Orie’s office; Preparations underway for tax season; Poverty simulation: learning about poverty firsthand; State Welfare changes plans for winter heating help; Advocates’ prompt outcry slows Welfare’s rush for new limits; Inadequate Welfare staffing leads to unfair denial of food stamp benefits; Harrisburg lawmakers distinguished — by being the last state in the nation to pass a budget; Budget impasse costs WIC families fresh summer produce; The public speaks out against budget crisis; City feeds more children in “open” summer food sites; We teach new teachers about poverty; Middle-class is key; Food stamps make a difference – our program sees results

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