Join us at our Oct. 25 Harvest Celebration Dinner

Tamara Draut quote from The Sleeping Giant over photo of Fight for $15 march in Pittsburgh, PA via Mark Dixon/flickr

You’re reading this right now because you believe solutions to hunger exist.

And you’re right — they do. But they can’t be found in charity. They are part of a larger movement for fair government and a fair economy.

Your support of Just Harvest not only puts food on people’s tables in the short-term, it fuels a long-term transformation to a fair society. We literally could not do this work without you.

Our Harvest Celebration Dinner is our biggest fundraiser of the year. The support — and inspiration — that hundreds of activists and advocates join together in giving us this one night helps get us through the other 364.

This year, we are thrilled to have author and public policy expert Tamara Draut as the event’s keynote speaker. She’ll be talking about “The New Working Class – From A Sleeping Giant to Real Power.”

We’ll also be honoring One Pennsylvania, an organization known for its groundbreaking activism to advance working class interests.

orange arrowFind out more about the Oct. 25 event and purchase tickets!

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