Week 16: Nationwide call-in to stop Trump’s fake “tax reform”

Chart of Average Tax Cut by Income Group Under Trump Tax Proposals, 2018 by itep.orgLegislators in D.C. are right now moving forward their upside-down version of “tax reform”– starving the bottom to give to the top. We’re joining 425 other organizations as part of Americans for Tax Fairness. Together we’re saying”NO” to their plan and stand up for working families.

President Trump and Republican leaders in Congress are working with a massive special-interest lobbying machine run by the Koch brothers and corporate America. They are gearing up to give massive tax breaks to millionaires and wealthy corporations.

In their scheme, nearly half of the tax cuts will go to the .5% wealthiest Americans — millionaires and billionaires.

To pay for this, they’ll cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public education and other critical services for working families. The Republican leaders have proposed budgets that would slash between $4 -6 trillion from those services we all depend on.

It’s the same, tired “trickle down” economics that everyone knows doesn’t work. It takes the wealth that our hard work creates and gives it to CEOs and shareholders instead of reinvesting it in real job creation, our communities, and people’s well-being.


This is the health care fight all over again. We can win when we work together to flood legislators’ offices with calls, making clear that we’re paying attention.

Join the national call-in to our U.S. Reps. today through Friday, Sep. 15 to send your representative a strong message: Tax cuts for the wealthy are a scam that’s weakening our nation. Not one penny more should go to those who don’t need it when so many are struggling just to get by. Government doesn’t exist to serve the wealthy — it’s meant to protect the standard of living for everyone.

orange arrowJoin the national call-in this week to stop Trump’s tax cuts.

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