Week 14: Stand up for a new Pittsburgh economy that works for everyone!

30 years ago, U.S. Steel was the largest employer in Pittsburgh. Today it's the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Stand with working people on Labor Day! Retail and hospitality workers in Pittsburgh are campaigning to improve their wages and working conditions. UPMC hospital workers, University of Pittsburgh academic workers, and fast food workers are organizing unions.

This Labor Day, Just Harvest and the other members of Pittsburgh UNITED (as well as other local organizations) are standing with these workers – and fast food workers on strike in over 300 cities – to say enough is enough! Union or bust!

We will be meeting at 228 Semple St. at 6:45 AM to march in solidarity with fast food, hospital and faculty workers in Oakland. Following the action we will have transportation to the Labor Day Parade!

Managers are using pressure tactics to stop workers uniting, while politicians in Harrisburg and Washington, DC are pushing laws to destroy workers’ organizations. We say no way! All workers have the right to form a union and all people should have access to family sustaining wages.

Join us on Labor Day for this day of action to stand up for working people in Pittsburgh, our region, and across the country!

RSVP on Facebook

(Can’t make it until later but want to meet up with us? Contact Helen Gerhardt by email or phone at extension 105.)


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