Today is Love Your Pet Day

Love Your Pet DayIn recent months Just Harvest’s phone has been ringing off the hook. Jobs are still scarce and the November 1 cuts that hit all 47 million SNAP/food stamp recipients in the country – adults and children – have only made lives harder.

I don’t know how to help our clients access the benefits they’re entitled to. It’s not what I do at Just Harvest, and it takes months of training. The book of welfare rules and regulations is thicker than a bible.

But when our food stamp specialists and welfare advocates are on other calls and the phone rings, I answer it.

Usually, folks aren’t happy to be calling us. They’re anxious, frustrated, upset, stressed, or at the point of desperation. Typically, they haven’t been able to get through to their caseworker at the Department of Public Welfare after days or weeks of trying. Often they’re in crisis.

A few weeks ago I talked to a woman who was near tears – Melissa*. She had recently thrown her boyfriend out after months of drug use and reckless behavior. He is providing some monetary support for their son David on the condition that he gets to spend time with him.

Melissa won’t let David go to his father’s place, but every time her ex comes around he creates so much havoc that her landlord is now threatening to kick Melissa out. For the same reason, her family has written her off.

Melissa has no income. She’s been job hunting for almost a year now. She was thinking of making crafts to sell online to help tide them over, but she can’t afford internet access.

While Melissa relies on food pantries to make sure David gets fed, she often doesn’t have enough to eat.

The one thing that makes her son happy throughout the chaos and stress of their lives is their dog, Lucky. But Lucky is just one more thing Melissa really can’t afford right now.

And that is when she broke down. “If I give that dog away it will break David’s heart.”

Our staff helped Melissa with her food stamp application for her and David. Food stamps don’t cover pet food, but they help families going through hard times use their limited funds on other necessities.

Celebrate “Love Your Pet Day” with a gift to Just Harvest in honor of your pet.

When you support our work to help struggling families meet their basic needs, it’s about more than food. It’s about keeping some dignity and joy in their lives.

Honor your own pet today by spreading that joy to others.

Make a donation to our work today.

You can donate online or by mail.


After you do, send a picture of your pet to [email protected] or by mail. We’ll post them on a future blog post saluting ‘Faithful Friends of Just Harvest.’

Please spread the word by sharing with your networks on social media.

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*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of these individuals.

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