Testimonial: Just Harvest can cut through barriers to benefits

Last week our food stamp specialist staff received a call from John Thompson*. Now nearing 60, for years John had worked in the computer industry but got laid off a couple of years ago.

Despite John’s impressive job experience and skills, the economy was still in a down-turn and there was little available. (In fact, our state now ranks last for job growth since 2011.)

The only job offer John got was for a part-time job washing dishes in a restaurant. He took it, but then recently he was laid off from that job as well.

John lives in Baldwin, a neighborhood, he says, where many people have to rely on nutrition assistance benefits, where food stamps are “common knowledge.” (The most recent data show that, indeed, as of April 2011, Baldwin had nearly 1,700 households receiving food stamps.)

So John went ahead and applied for food stamps too. He was approved. But then he moved – something that low-income people have to do a lot in the face of rising rents – and did not get his renewal form in the mail, so his benefits were suspended.

This occurred in September. John then received a notice from the state’s Department of Public Welfare (now named the Department of Human Services) stating that he had been denied food stamps for failure to provide “required info”. However, the specific info that was required was not identified.

John called the number on the notice twice a day for two weeks. He left messages each time he called but no one returned his calls. “I was getting nowhere!” he told us.

In October, a friend of John’s suggested that he call Just Harvest. He spoke with our food stamp specialist James Tedrow who did a new food stamp application for him.

Here is John’s report on how that went:

When I talked to James things started happening! I got expedited food stamps! James looked into things and he called me back. James was so helpful! He cut through all the bull! After James helped me, I took a look at your website and I found it to be excellent. It was so informative! I am very pleased with Just Harvest!”

There is no good time of year to go hungry, but the holiday season may be the toughest emotionally. Find out whether you might qualify for food stamps and learn how to apply. Then give us a call if you’re having trouble with your application or maintaining benefits: (412) 431-8963.

You can also join our campaign to put an end to the barriers to benefits that John and too many others face on a regular basis.


*His name has been changed to protect his privacy.

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