Take Action: Stop the compromise Farm Bill!

Take Action!There’s a Farm Bill in the works – and it looks terrible for the millions of Pennsylvanians who depend on food stamps.

When we last saw the Farm Bill, the Senate version had approved $4 billion in food stamp cuts over the next 10 years, and the House version had approved a whopping $40 billion in cuts.

A bipartisan “compromise” is now emerging out of a key committee that will send to the House and Senate floors a version of the Farm Bill that cuts $9 billion in food stamp funding.

How are these “savings” reached? By eliminating “heat-and-eat” – a program that allows states to equalize food stamp benefits between people who pay their own heating bills and those whose bills are included in the rent. These folks – typically the elderly and residents of public housing – have a harder time demonstrating their costs of living, which is a key measure for determining the benefit amount of eligible food stamp consumers.

But some legislators are instead calling heat-and-eat a “loophole.” They plan to impose a huge financial burden on already cash-strapped states that use heat-and-eat to ensure their most vulnerable citizens get the maximum amount of benefits they are eligible for. Thus, the $9 billion in “savings.”

It’s a cynical and heartless tactic and we must and can stop it. If the new Farm Bill isn’t approved by January 31, food stamp funding levels will be safe for another year.

These are difficult times. There are three applicants for every job, and a living wage and job security are hard to find. We can’t let Congress compromise away protections for the children, working families, disabled, and elderly who make up the overwhelming majority of food stamp recipients.

An attack on struggling people’s ability to put food on the table isn’t “savings.”


What you can do:

Let Congress hear from you – it’s easy!


arrowPennsylvania members of the U.S. House of Representatives – Find your representative. They will be home next week. If you don’t contact them in D.C. today or tomorrow, call them locally next week!

arrowPennsylvania members of the U.S. Senate:

Sen. Bob Casey – (866) 802-2833 / email / Twitter: @SenBobCasey (Tweet this)

Sen. Pat Toomey – (202) 224-4254 / email / Twitter: @SenToomey (Tweet this)

Urge your senators and representative to support and protect SNAP in any Farm Bill or other piece of legislation.

  • Tell them to Vote NO on any Farm Bill that includes SNAP cuts.

Spread the word by sharing with your networks and on social media.

Tweet: 47 million Americans are struggling to put food on the table. Now is the time to protect + strengthen food stamps not cut them. #SNAPworks

Post on Facebook: Proposed farm bill cuts would come on top of the across-the-board November 2013 food stamp cuts that affected all 47 million U.S. SNAP recipients, resulting in a loss of roughly $25/month for a family of four. The average food stamp allotment is only $28/week or $4/day.

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