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Tell your legislators “Don’t pay for Child Nutrition with cuts to Food Stamps!”

The House adjourned without acting on child nutrition reauthorization.  It is likely they will take up CNR in the Lame Duck session after the elections.  The time between now and November 15 is critical to ensuring passage of a good child nutrition bill that doesn’t cut food stamps.  

Food Stamps currently help 40 million people purchase necessary food – now is NOT the time to cut them!

Contact your member of Congress now!  Urge your House Member to pass a good child nutrition bill that improves access to healthy food and doesn’t cut SNAP benefits in the Lame Duck session.

Below is contact information for your representatives.  If you don’t know who your representative is, go to www.contactingthecongress.org

Jason Altmire Phone: Local 724-378-0928 or DC 202-225-2565, Fax: DC  202-226-2274

Mike Doyle Phone: Local 412-261-5091 or DC 202-225-2135, Fax: DC 202-225-3084

Timothy Murphy Local 412-344-5583 or DC 202-225-2301, Fax: DC 202-225-1844

Mark Critz Local 814-535-2642 or DC 202-225-5974, Fax: DC 202-225-5709

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