Join our Board of Directors

Join Our TeamAre you passionate about our mission to address the systemic root causes of hunger in our communities?

You can help advance this work by serving as a volunteer member of our Board of Directors.

We want the leadership of our organization to be diverse and representative of the people we serve. We do our best work when those engaged in the labor and leadership of Just Harvest have a relationship with people facing poverty and hunger or have experienced those hardships themselves.

As a Board member, you’d be helping to shape the future of an important and powerful organization in our community that’s advancing the critical work of food justice and economic justice. Your energy and new ideas would help set the strategic course for Just Harvest to be as effective as possible over the next 10 years.

We’re looking for up to eight individuals with expertise in any of the following areas: finance, marketing, fundraising, and human resources.

Board members would be expected to have an average of one to three hours a week to put towards their service. This includes monthly Board meetings, committee work, fundraising, and other activities.

orange arrowThink you fit the bill or know someone who might? Please fill out this form to nominate yourself or someone you know.


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