Publication Types Archives: Newsletters

The print version of Just Harvest News has been discontinued and is now sent via email monthly. You can sign up for it here. After a hiatus, the Welfare Agitator is now back in print. Sign up to receive it by mail or in your inbox every two months here.

Just Harvest News, Summer 2009

State budget stalemate leaves poor behind – Just Harvest members call for action; State advocates cheer as PA Welfare Department expands food stamp eligibility; G-Force – a crash course in the G20; Legislation to help hungry children is in the hopper in Congress; Some jobless lose food stamps because of $25 stimulus check; State budget deadlock drags on; Babies and moms due for more healthy foods; Nearly $5 million left on the table by summer food programs in Pennsylvania; Nutritious breakast in school feeds more kids; Local food policy council to tackle production, access; The $400 tax credit for working people might have a hitch

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Just Harvest News, Spring 2009

Tax season help reaches record numbers; Welfare’s work programs don’t help clients; Congress begins to address child nutrition; Obama’s stimulus will help Pennsylvania’s poor; Just Harvest members visit state legislators; Anti-hunger activist & author visits Pittsburgh; Farmers markets in full swing; 14th empty bowls smashes records; Bruce Springsteen – working on a dream for Just Harvest; In memoriam

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