Hunger Awareness Month: Phone bank against budget cuts

Right now, Pennsylvania is facing a $1.3 billion budget shortfall – a huge gap lawmakers are supposed to close by June 30th. Gov. Corbett is seriously considering a cuts-only budget that would lock in recent devastating cuts to education, make more cuts to all other state programs (like social services), and use a host of gimmicks to balance it.

Take Action
This bare-bones budget could be vastly improve by enacting a long-overdue tax on Marcellus Shale gas drillers, halting corporate tax cuts, and accepting federal dollars to expand Medicaid (and create jobs!).

Many state lawmakers are open to expanding revenue instead of making more cuts, but they need to hear from us.

Take Action

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Volunteer: Just Harvest is hosting a phone bank at our office on Thursday, June 19th from 5:30pm-9:00pm to encourage others to call their legislators. Sign up here.

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Go: We’re participating in an advocacy day in Harrisburg tomorrow: Wednesday, June 18th. If you are interested in coming, please contact Maria.

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Sign: Our friends at PA Center on Budget and Policy Priorities have an online petition calling on Gov. Corbett and legislators to reject a cuts-only budget.

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