Do you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)?

Life's a little easier with EITCDid you know you could be eligible to get more money back from the IRS – as much as $6,143?

If you earned less than $52,427 from wages, self-employment, or farming last year, you may be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit  (EITC). EITC can be a benefit for working people like you, your family and community.

Number of qualifying children Filing Single Income Limit Married (Filing Jointly) Income Limit Maximum Credit

Never qualified before? You may be among the millions who will qualify for the first time because of a change in your financial, marital or parental status in 2014.

But you must file a federal income tax return claiming the credit in order to get it.

The Earned Income Tax Credit has continued to help improve the lives of workers for over 38 years. Yet each year many eligible workers fail to claim the credit.

IRS estimates 4 of 5 eligible workers claim and get EITC, however rural and non-traditional families — such as grandparents raising grandchildren — childless workers, and non-English speaking taxpayers are among those who most frequently overlook the credit.

Unlike other tax credits, both EITC eligibility and the amount of tax credit you are eligible for is based onseveral factors. These include, the amount of your income, or combined incomes if married, whether you have qualifying children and how many. Workers without children also may qualify for EITC.

You worked and earned it. Now put the Earned Income Tax Credit to work for you.
