Tuesday, May 6, from 6:00 am to midnight is the annual Pittsburgh Foundation Day of Giving – the perfect opportunity to have your gift to Just Harvest partially matched.
Archive | Blog
Articles and notes from Just Harvest staff and partners.
Real change is underway at the Department of Public Welfare
Just Harvest has been working hard to improve DPW’s treatment of those in need. With you at our side, sharing ideas and speaking out, we’ve made a lot of progress. […]
Client testimonials about our 2014 free tax preparation service season
On April 15, our 12th season of free tax help for low-income households came to a close. This season was another huge success. But don’t take our word for it […]
Who got medical coverage under Obamacare? These people – and they couldn’t be happier
This tax season, as part of our free tax preparation services, we also helped to sign our tax clients up for medical coverage under the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). […]
In the Medicaid Expansion Gap: People the Affordable Care Act would have covered
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has now helped over 7 million Americans gain health coverage. Unfortunately, many Pennsylvanians are still uninsured because they simply can’t afford the premiums of even […]
10 reasons why ACA Medicaid expansion is better than Gov. Corbett’s Healthy PA
Thanks to a 2012 Supreme Court ruling, states can opt out of the Affordable Care Act provision to expand Medicaid eligibility to the nation’s poorest adults. Gov. Corbett has his […]
A medical lifeline: What Healthy PA would mean for workers with disabilities
I have two part-time jobs. I work as a dispatcher for a local police department and as a security guard at a high school. I also have three illnesses: Type […]
Who falls into the Medicaid Expansion Gap in PA?
5 million low-income people. That’s how many Americans are in the Medicaid Expansion Gap – people the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) was originally designed to cover but isn’t. Why? […]
March Advocacy in Action: Expanding the EITC, the Food Security Partnership, and DPW barriers to benefits
Here are this month’s highlights from the federal, state, and local policy issues we work on: expanding tax credits for low-income workers; the Food Security Partnership’s work to close the […]
Rally and Twitterstorm to save the DPW Greater Pittsburgh East County Assistance Office in East Liberty!
The state’s Department of Public Welfare is planning to close the Greater Pittsburgh East CAO, which serves more people in need than any other office in the county. Join us […]