The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis of shocking proportion. We eagerly yearn for a return to normal, even as we picture what “a new normal” might require.
FAQ: Fresh Access farmers market operations during COVID-19
Farmers markets are open during the stay-at-home order, and they’ll still be accessible to food stamp shoppers through our Fresh Access program.
Support new bills to enable grocery delivery for SNAP shoppers
The USDA announced that SNAP recipients in PA are allowed to use their benefits to buy groceries online. New legislation will help cover the costs of their delivery fees.
Actions to improve government COVID-19 relief efforts
Support these relief efforts to help make sure our nation, commonwealth, and county are prioritizing the needs of people hit hard by this crisis.
PA Government: SNAP Recipients Need Safe Food Purchasing Options
We are organizing our allies and Pa. State Representatives to push key government agencies to protect the safety of food stamp shoppers.
What you need to know about tax filing and the 2020 stimulus checks
We suspended in-person free tax filing assistance due to coronavirus safety measures, but we’re working hard to get you the info and help you need. (Post updated since publication.)
Grocery shopping with food stamps during a pandemic
The ability to shop online for groceries with food stamps is more than just a convenience. During this pandemic, it’s possibly a matter of life and death.
Resources to help people through the coronavirus pandemic
Information on public assistance programs, emergency relief measures, and other resources to help you through the economic impact of COVID-19.
Poverty Amidst Pandemic: A Moral Response to COVID-19
Before COVID-19, nearly 700 people died every day because of poverty in this country. We must now protect the poor and the workers on the frontlines.
PA government must protect us all during the coronavirus pandemic
Join us in urging our state officials to swiftly adopt key measures to protect working families and other vulnerable people during the COVID-19 pandemic.