Area students pitch in to fight hunger

Bowls in the Night at Carlow University

Dale Huffman (far left) conducts his annual Bowls in the Night pottery event
to benefit the Empty Bowls dinner to fight hunger.

Every year, the patrons of our Empty Bowls Dinner get to take home a ceramic bowl that was made by a local potter, art teacher, or student. Many of the bowls are made at Carlow University during the annual “Bowls in the Night” pottery marathon.

The 2014 Bowls in the Night event took place last night.

“Bowls in the Night” is the idea of Dale Huffman, a Carlow art professor and the assistant dean of humanities, who every year for the past decade or so has called upon his friends, colleagues, and students to help him make between 200 to 250 clay bowls for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank and Just Harvest’s Empty Bowls Dinner. The charitable dinner is a modest meal of soup and bread that reminds us that millions of American’s go to bed hungry each and every night.

“This event not only benefits an incredibly worthy cause, but it is also an opportunity for the students to learn how to use their talents outside of the classroom to serve others,” Huffman said.

Tonight from 5:30 – 9:00pm at the January Gallery Crawl in the Cultural District, juniors and seniors at Pittsburgh’s School for Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) will be conducting a free pottery demonstration on behalf of Empty Bowls. The public is invited to attend.

orange arrowLearn more about this year’s Empty Bowls event.

orange arrowPurchase tickets to this year’s Empty Bowls event.

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