The 30th Annual Harvest Celebration Dinner

Since 1989, the Harvest Celebration Dinner has been Just Harvest’s signature event. Every year it brings together hundreds of supporters and community leaders to celebrate our victories in the fight against hunger and poverty in our region.

This year marks our 30th Anniversary Dinner and Silent Auction. We expect over 300 guests, making it our most important fundraising event of the year.

Proceeds from the Harvest Celebration Dinner support Just Harvest: A Center for Action Against Hunger, our public policy advocacy arm, and Just Harvest Education Fund, our educational and service arm.



Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Omni William Penn Hotel
Downtown Pittsburgh


5:30 pm: Sponsor Reception

6:00 pm: Cocktail Hour & Silent Auction

7:00 pm: Three Course Dinner

Keynote Address:
Stand Together or Starve Alone: What’s Next for Food Justice?
Mark Winne, Senior Advisor at Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future

Seeds of Justice Award Presentation
Mary Elizabeth McCarthy

Keynote Speaker Mark Winne Senior Adviser Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable FutureIn spite of the rapid growth of an alternative food system – local and sustainable food production, farmers’ markets, the public’s rising food consciousness – we become more dependent everyday on industrial agriculture whose representatives insist that it is the only way to feed a hungry world. In the face of such assertions, we must ask if our dependence on such a system threatens to supplant individual self-reliance. Will personal freedom succumb finally and forever to the dominant voice of authority? Are we at risk of sacrificing our democratic voice to self-appointed governing elites? These are no longer speculative questions suitable only for philosophers, but real-life concerns set squarely on the plate of every eater.”

Mark Winne has worked for 40 years as a community food activist, writer, and trainer. From organizing breakfast programs for low-income children in Maine to developing innovative national food policies in Washington, DC, Winne has dedicated his professional life and writing to enabling people to find solutions to their own food problems as well as those that face their communities and the world.

Just Harvest and the United Steelworkers are proud to honor Mark Winne with our 2018 George and Jane Becker Memorial Award.

Seeds of Justice Awardee Mary Elizabeth McCarthy
Mary Elizabeth McCarthy (1944 – 2018) was elected to Just Harvest’s Board of Directors in 1999. Until her death in May, she served as a board member for the past 19 years, helping our organization plan, grow, and develop as a voice for our hungry neighbors.

We will honor her long service to Just Harvest as a volunteer, an outspoken advocate, an inspiration, and a living example of how a strong safety net for people with disabilities can enrich our communities.
