
Below is a short list of excellent resources to learn more about hunger, poverty, and the many public policies that affect low-income people. Most of the national groups have state-specific information.


Brookings Institution – An independent, nonpartisan organization devoted to research, analysis, and public education, with an emphasis on economics, foreign policy, and governance. We regularly use their interactive zip code-level tax data on EITC claims for states, counties, cities, and towns.

Center for Law and Social Policy – Founded in 1968, CLASP conducts research, policy analysis, technical assistance and advocacy on issues related to economic security for low-income families with children. Also a leader in the national effort to establish equal justice for all.

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities – Works at the federal and state levels on fiscal policy and public programs that affect low and moderate income people. They conduct research and develop policy options to alleviate poverty particularly among working families.

Coalition on Human Needs – An alliance of national organizations working together to promote public policies that address the needs of low-income and other vulnerable populations. Membership includes civil rights, religious, labor and advocacy organizations. They track dozens of issues and have a bi-monthly publication.

Food Policy Action – Food Policy Action is an organization that works to promote a healthy, sustainable food system through education and advocacy. Their goal is to hold legislators accountable on votes that have an effect on food and farming, and change the national dialogue on food policy by educating the public on how elected officials across the country are voting on these issues.

Food Research and Action Center – The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) is the leading national nonprofit organization working to improve public policies and public-private partnerships to eradicate hunger and undernutrition in the United States. FRAC works with hundreds of national, state and local nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and corporations to address hunger and its root cause, poverty.

Food Tank – Food Tank is a national organization that works to spotlight and support environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable ways of alleviating hunger, obesity, and poverty. They create networks of connections and information for all of us to consume and share. Food Tank highlights innovative ideas in agriculture, and promotes the idea that food-related social problems can be solved through research and investment in sustainable agriculture.

National Priorities Project – The National Priorities Project (NPP) offers citizen and community groups tools and resources to shape federal budget and policy priorities which promote social and economic justice. Their website’s interactive database provides users with a wealth of information on a wide range of budget issues and economic justice concerns.

United for a Fair Economy – National, independent, nonpartisan nonprofit organization that raises awareness that concentrated wealth and power undermine the economy, corrupt democracy, deepen the racial divide and tear communities apart. They support and help build social movements for greater equality.


Keystone Research Center – Created to broaden discussion on strategies to achieve a more prosperous and equitable PA economy. Conducts original research and promotes public dialog that addresses important economic and civic problems and proposes new policies to resolve those problems. Proposes workable policy alternatives. Collaboration of academia, labor, religious and business organizations.

PathWays PA – With offices throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania and advocacy initiatives on behalf of low-wage workers statewide, PathWays PA provides programs committed to the development of client self-sufficiency. PathWays PA conducts research and advocacy campaigns in addition to its client services.

Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center – is a nonpartisan, statewide policy research project that provides independent, credible analysis on state tax, budget, and related policy matters, with attention to the impact of current or proposed policies on working families. It analyzes and disseminates information on short-term budget, policy, and revenue proposals as well as long-term trends and challenges.

Project PA – Project PA is a collaboration between Penn State University and the Pennsylvania Department of Education. They work to provide sound nutrition education, and promote children’s healthy eating behaviors within the school system. This includes working with families, community resources, and school personnel to transform school cafeterias into healthy nutrition environments.
