Advocacy to End Hunger

Just Harvest’s advocacy helps bend public policy toward justice.

Just Harvest's advocacy strengthens public policies that can end hunger.

At Just Harvest, through advocacy and lobbying, we push government at all levels to ensure a fair and just society. Pervasive, chronic hunger is a clear sign that our economic, political, and social systems are not operating as they should. Only government has the power, wherewithal, and reach to address the systemic problem of food insecurity at its root: poverty.

The main way for government to do this is by addressing economic injustice, systemic racism, and income inequality. There is a massive and ever-widening gap in this country between the rich and the poor, between communities with resources and those that have been denied them. So Just Harvest advocates for:

  • policies that advance fair taxes, fair wages, and worker protections in order to prevent and alleviate poverty;
  • protecting and strengthening the social safety net programs that lift people out of poverty and boost access to nutritious food; and
  • equity in these laws, policies, and programs.

Our advocacy focuses on:

  • Federal, state, and local legislation that prioritizes the needs of people experiencing poverty. Each piece of legislation – whether shaping huge national programs or specific city policies – presents an opportunity for justice. Just Harvest advocates at every level of government, but centers our work on local impact. To find out more about our policy campaigns and how you can get involved, visit our Take Action page.
  • Improved government administration by the federal, state, and local bodies that oversee social safety net services such as food stamps, cash assistance, and child nutrition programs. Our relationship with our clients – who we help connect to these public programs – gives us the responsibility to improve these programs as we are able. Large improvements in social services are possible within existing legislation by addressing policies on staff training, program efficiency, outreach, and accessibility.
  • Fair treatment of clients as they navigate safety-net bureaucracies. Whether it is a food stamp participant who has been denied benefits unfairly, or a mother on welfare seeking work exemption because of illness, we are here to help clients get what they need. If you or someone you know needs help visit our Get Help page.

orange arrowFor further information or assistance, please contact our public policy advocate Ann Sanders at (412) 431-8960 x109 (or via email).
