Our Allies

Below is a list of the organizations we work with to help advance sound policy solutions to hunger and poverty here in Allegheny County, across Pennsylvania, and nationwide. These organizations are also excellent resources for learning more about hunger, economic justice, and the many public policies that affect low-income people.


Center for Law and Social Policy: Conducts research, policy analysis, technical assistance, and advocacy on issues related to economic security for low-income families with children. Also a leader in the national effort to establish equal justice for all.

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Works at the federal and state levels on fiscal policy and public programs that affect low- and moderate-income people. They conduct research and develop policy options to alleviate poverty, particularly among working families.

Coalition on Human Needs: An alliance of national organizations working together to promote public policies that address the needs of low-income and other vulnerable populations. Membership includes civil rights, religious, labor, and advocacy organizations. They track dozens of issues and have a bi-monthly publication.

Farmers Market Coalition: A nonprofit dedicated to working with farmers market operators to strengthen farmers markets across the United States so that they can serve as community assets while providing real income opportunities for farmers.

Food Research and Action Center: The leading national nonprofit organization working to improve public policies and public-private partnerships to eradicate hunger and undernutrition in the United States. FRAC works with hundreds of national, state, and local nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and corporations to address hunger and its root cause, poverty.

Hunger Free America: A nonpartisan, national nonprofit group working to enact the policies and programs needed to end domestic hunger and ensure that all Americans have sufficient access to nutritious food.

Mazon: A national organization fighting to end hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds in the United States and Israel.

The Food Trust: Works with neighborhoods, institutions, retailers, farmers, and policymakers across the country to ensure delicious, nutritious food for all. Just Harvest partners with them locally through their Food Bucks program.


Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger: Combats hunger in the Philadelphia area by helping people get SNAP assistance, supporting food pantries and soup kitchens, and advocating for public assistance programs.

Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center: A nonpartisan, statewide policy research project that provides independent, credible analysis of state tax, budget, and related policy matters, with attention to the impact of current or proposed policies on working families. It analyzes and disseminates information on short-term budget, policy, and revenue proposals as well as long-term trends and challenges.

Pennsylvania Health Access Network: Pennsylvania’s only statewide consumer-driven organization working to expand and protect access to high-quality, equitable, affordable healthcare for all Pennsylvanians.

Women’s Law Project: Advocates for women’s rights on a broad variety of issues including healthcare, reproductive rights, domestic violence, and similar concerns through litigation, advocacy, and education


Community Human Services/Wood Street Commons: A community revitalization organization dedicated to advocating for neighborhood involvement and stability. They provide a variety of services in the Pittsburgh area, including through the Wood Street Commons. Wood Street Commons operates several housing programs in Downtown Pittsburgh to provide residents with options for stability, permanent housing, support services, and social interaction.

Community Kitchen Pittsburgh: Uses food as the foundation to change lives and strengthen communities by providing culinary training and opening career pathways to individuals who experience barriers to employment.

Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank: Works with a network of more than 850 partners in 11 counties in southwestern Pennsylvania. In addition to sourcing, warehousing, and distributing food, the Food Bank is actively engaged in stabilizing lives and confronting issues of chronic hunger, poor nutrition, and health, as well as in anti-hunger advocacy at the regional, statewide, and national levels.

Greater Pittsburgh Nonprofit Partnership: A coalition of over 400 nonprofit organizations in SW PA that connects nonprofits across issues and collectively advocates for the nonprofit sector.

Grow Pittsburgh: A charitable nonprofit that serves as a resource and guide for backyard, school, and community gardeners, as well as urban farmers across the Greater Pittsburgh region.  Its mission is to teach people how to grow food and to promote the benefits that gardens bring to neighborhoods.

Livewell Allegheny: An initiative of the Allegheny County Health Department, this is a county-wide campaign to improve the overall health and wellness of Allegheny County residents.

Mon Valley Providers Council: The MVPC is an alliance of organizations servicing the Mon Valley, divided into four working groups that address issues of employment and training, health, housing, and youth. The MVPC coordinates the efforts of these organizations to fill gaps in human services offered in the Mon Valley.

Mon Valley Unemployed Committee: A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the unemployed and advocating for social justice and economic change. MVUC helps dislocated workers file unemployment claims and provides general information about social programs. They also advocate for the rights of low-income and unemployed people in the region.

Penn State Cooperative Extension: A USDA-funded educational network that shares Penn State’s resources and expertise with Pennsylvanians. The extension runs educational programs on a variety of topics, including health and nutrition education, gardening, and resource management.

Pittsburgh Food Policy Council: Just Harvest is a leading member of this organization dedicated to developing food and urban agriculture policy for the Pittsburgh region. The Pittsburgh Food Policy Council also provides assistance and education on issues related to food production, access, and distribution.

Pittsburgh United: Just Harvest is a leading member of this organization striving to advance social and economic justice in the Pittsburgh region by working to ensure that working families and low and moderate-income communities are able to share in the prosperity that is generated by economic growth and development.

Pittsburghers for Public Transit: A grassroots organization of transit riders, workers, and residents who defend and expand public transit by mobilizing communities to advocate for equitable, affordable, and sustainable transportation systems.

Repair the World Pittsburgh: An organization that looks to encourage Jewish young adults to become involved in volunteer work. They have chapters in many cities throughout America, and the Pittsburgh chapter collaborates with local nonprofits and organizations to act on issues of inequality.

SEIU 668: Pennsylvania’s social service employees’ union, representing 20,000 workers across all PA counties in state, county, and local government, as well as in the private sector. Their members include caseworkers and other employees of the PA Dept. of Human Services.

United Way of Southwestern PA: Serves Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler, Fayette, and Westmoreland counties. United Way creates long-lasting change and helps children and youth succeed, strengthens and supports families by promoting financial stability, ensures the safety and well-being of vulnerable seniors and people with disabilities, and provides county-wide access to information and referral sources meeting basic needs. Just Harvest partners with United Way of SWPA to lead the Free Tax Prep Coalition.

University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work: In addition to granting degrees to future social workers, Pitt’s school of social work furthers its mission of social justice through scholarly research into social issues and community outreach through collaboration with government and community-based organizations.
