Every parent worries about what their child eats and whether they’re eating enough.
Child nutrition programs can help you ensure your child has access to healthy food. Below are some of the government-funded programs that can help.
Are you a pregnant, recently pregnant or the parent or guardian of young children? Women Infants and Children (WIC) benefits can provide you with nutrition counseling, supplemental food, breastfeeding support, farmers market vouchers, and referrals for health care, community services, and immunizations.
Are you having trouble putting food on your table? Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits (known as “food stamps”) can help you buy the nutritious food that you need to keep your family healthy.
Find out how to apply for SNAP
Are you struggling to cover the costs of your child’s weekday breakfasts or lunches?
As part of your food stamp application process, you can also apply for free or reduced-price school lunch and breakfast for your child. However, thanks to the federal Community Eligibility Provision, many local public schools now provide those meals for free to all of their students – no application is required. If you’re wondering whether your child’s school has Community Eligibility for free school meals, ask them.
- You can also sign this petition from our allies at SNAPA supporting free school meals for all Pennsylvanian K-12 public school students!
Summer Nutrition Programs
SUN Bucks is a new summer nutrition program that provides families with an EBT card, enabling families to have a larger food budget for when kids are out of school.
The Summer Food Service Program provides kids with free breakfast and lunch at community centers during the summer.