Pittsburgh Center for the Arts helps with Empty Bowls

Members of Pittsburgh Gay UnScene at the PCA Feb. 7 2014 bowlmaking event for Empty BowlsWe had a great turnout last Friday to the free public bowl-making session at Pittsburgh Center for the Arts. PCA generously hosted the event to help support the 19th Annual Empty Bowls.

Among the dozens in attendance were members of the meet-up group Pittsburgh Gay UnScene. The group provides events for the LGBTQIA community and their straight supporters that don’t center around the bar scene and provide a safe place for the community to come together.

This event was a great opportunity for UnScene and other members of the Pittsburgh community to enjoy good fun for a great cause.

All bowls created were left at PCA to be glazed and donated to the Empty Bowls dinner. Every Empty Bowls ticket holder gets to take home one of these finished bowls.


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