Poverty’s effect on the brain

It’s not something you’re supposed to say, or even think – but yes, people who live in poverty ARE fundamentally different from those who don’t. They DO think, act, and behave in ways that don’t serve them well.

But let’s be very clear: people aren’t poor because they make bad decisions. They make bad decisions – or pick the least bad of a limited number of bad options – because they’re poor.

And it’s not just bad decisionmaking that plagues them; the capacity of their brain itself is altered by poverty. Check out the infographic below.

Or, if you want to get more of a feel for what it’s like inside the mind of a person lacking resources, read this account.

What’s it like to be poor? It’s like being rushed. Every minute of the day. Yes – it’s very stressful. And unlike people who are just short on time, there’s no way to compensate for mistakes, no buying your way out of a problem.

Poverty and the Brain

Infographic Source: SocialWorkDegreeCenter.com


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