Farm Bill victory in Congress for food stamps and farmers markets!

2018 U.S. Food & Farm Bill

Pres. Trump has now signed Congress’s 2018 five-year farm bill, which doesn’t have the nasty cuts to food stamps that Trump and leaders in the U.S. House wanted.

A key ally to our Fresh Access program, the Farmers Market Coalition, says the new bill also includes “important wins for farmers markets, farmers, and local food.” These wins could help Fresh Access strengthen and expand its market footprint, more securely fund our Food Bucks coupons for food stamps shoppers, and ensure their ability to access the markets.

This summer, U.S. House Republicans passed their version of the bill, which would have cut $19 billion in SNAP benefits. They sought to block access to food assistance for the two million low-income Americans unable to meet the bill’s expanded work requirements. Their bill would also have taken away benefits for Pennsylvania workers and seniors living just above poverty.

The U.S. Senate rejected those cuts and led the way in hammering out the final bill. Common sense and morality have prevailed in this critical piece of legislation thanks to widespread committed action by advocates and activists like you.

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