Community organizations throughout region respond to Janus decision

Pittsburgh, PA— Pittsburgh United and One Pennsylvania issued the following joint statement in response to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 Janus vs. AFSCME decision against public sector unions:

“Permanent progressive power requires strong organizations. Labor unions have traditionally been the base of power for working people. It is the collective power of unions that built the middle class in this country. This decision is yet another devastating decision by a stolen Supreme Court in a long line of attacks on our communities.

Today, the highest court in the land set up yet another enormous barrier to working families’ ability to succeed. With this decision, the rich and powerful billionaires and millionaires running our country further rig the economy against working people and their families.

While today’s decision unquestionably puts up one more roadblock to those of us joining together for good jobs and fair pay, we will not let them divide us. An attack on unions is an attack on us–the people. We stand with our union families. We will not let any court case prevent our fight for the good, union jobs that our communities need. We know that when working people are united in a union, they have the power to raise wages, secure basic needs like healthcare coverage, improve their jobs, make life better for their families, and build stronger communities.

Today, we stand with the Unions in our community and across this country. Together we will rise!”


The following organizations also signed on to this statement: Just Harvest, Pennsylvania National Organization for Women, Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network, Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburghers for Public Transit, Thomas Merton Center, Sierra Club, Southwest PA National Organization for Women, Women’s Law Project, and Working America.

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