Want to meet with your elected official?

Just Harvest members at a lobbying visits with PA State Rep. Austin Davis in Harrisburg

Just Harvest members (center and right) with One PA and CASA at a April 2019 lobbying visit with PA State Rep. Austin Davis in Harrisburg.

Public officials at every level of government are elected by the people to serve the people. Too often, though, these lawmakers are not hearing the voice they most need to hear: yours.

Just Harvest works to give low-income people a say in the political process beyond their vote. We meet with officials representing portions of Allegheny County – here at home as well as in Harrisburg and Washington, D.C. We urge them to support specific bills to address economic hardship and promote economic justice, and to oppose bills that would further hurt those who are struggling.

If you’re interested in possibly joining us the next time we meet with one of your legislators, please fill out this form. No experience is required. We will prepare you for the particular visit; you will be part of the team of our staff and other allies at the meeting.

  • We'll use this to match you with the the correct district. Use the address you are registered to vote at.
  • ex: I really care about food stamps because I have been a previous recipient.
