2017 Primary Election: City Council District 4 Candidates

Anthony Coghill and Ashleigh Deemer fielded three questions about hunger and poverty at our May 2 Candidates Forum, co-hosted with the Pittsburgh Food Policy Council.

The first question they responded to was:

  • As a Pittsburgh City Council member, what will you do to prevent and fight hunger and food insecurity in your district? In your answer, please address: government accountability, basic human needs, racial equity, and healthy food access, including barriers which create food deserts.

Each candidate then took two questions from the audience about economic justice for restaurant workers and whether they support the Fight for $15 — the campaign to raise the minimum wage to $15/hr.

Coghill and Deemer are running as Democrats for City Council District 4, which is currently represented by Natalia Rudiak. She decided not to seek re-election.


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