Pictures from our 25th Annual Harvest Celebration Dinner

Our 25th Anniversary Harvest Celebration Dinner was a great success!

400 supporters helped us raise over $28,000!

This support will greatly aid our efforts to reduce barriers to public benefits, educate and mobilize communities, and strengthen the anti-poverty safety net on behalf of the tens of thousands of poor and low-income families in Allegheny County.

Remembering our roots:

Keynote Speaker Sr. Simone Campbell at the 2013 25th Annual Harvest Celebration Dinner

Keynote Speaker Sr. Simone Campbell at our 25th Annual Harvest Celebration Dinner, Oct. 22, 2013
(photograph by Christina Bullock)

Our keynote speaker, award-winning activist nun and social justice lobbyist Sister Simone Campbell, spoke about the gap between the poor and the rest of society. “Remember the first three words of the Declaration of Independence” she asked? We the people. It bespeaks a unity that has been weakened by misguided notions – about class and power, and about who is poor in this country.

Images may be smaller than they appear:

There is a seemingly unfathomable gap between the haves and have-nots. But we have the tools to bridge that separation. We the people can end poverty and end hunger as soon as remember that we have “civil obligations” as well as civil rights.

Let’s be the people we have been waiting for.” 

We hope you’ll join us for another 25 years as we work to conquer the myths, close the gap, and erase the inequality that divides the 100%. It may not take that long if we take Sr. Campbell’s simple message to heart: it’s about food. That’s all, and that’s everything.

If you haven’t had a chance to yet, it’s not too late to Pledge 25.

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