Giving Tuesday: Support real solutions to hunger

Giving TuesdayChild Nutrition Programs Stop Hunger Every Day

Our nation is at a crossroads. What is the best way forward when so many Americans still struggle to get by?

Should we maintain our social safety net and the nutrition programs that help feed 1 in 5 kids? Or should government just serve the interests of big business and the wealthy?

Your gift to Just Harvest is your answer to these questions.

It sends struggling families — as well as seniors, veterans, and those with disabilities — immediate assistance by connecting them with effective government programs that help them keep food on the table. You’ll also be supporting strategic advocacy — for healthy food access, fair public policy, and economic justice for all.

Donating food helps the hungry. But the best way to end hunger is to stop it before it starts. This #GivingTuesday, be a part of long-term, proven measures that lift people out of poverty and provide the nutrition they need to thrive.

DONATE for #GivingTuesday


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