Katie McGinty: Candidate for U.S. Congress

Katie McGinty

U.S. Senate candidate Kathleen “Katie” McGinty. Photo via Wikipedia

Kathleen “Katie” McGinty is the Democratic candidate for United States Senator for Pennsylvania. Below are her answers to our five 2016 Voter Guide questions for federal candidates on the ballot in Allegheny County.

Her opponent is the incumbent Senator Patrick Toomey (R) who has been in office since 2011. His responses to these questions are here. Other candidates in this race are Edward Clifford III (L) and write-in candidate Everett Stern (I).

1. Do you support changing federal funding of SNAP (Food Stamps) to a block grant?

No. The last thing families who receive SNAP benefits need is the insecurity that would come with this change.

2. Do you support changing federal funding of the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs and Summer Food Program to a block grant?

No. I believe it is important to make sure kids from PA and across the country are able to focus on their education without worrying about being hungry.

3. Do you support making the Earned Income Tax Credit permanent and expanding it to include childless workers?

Yes. The EITC is an important federal tax credit for low- and middle-income individuals and families. Expanding this credit would go a long way in helping those struggling to make ends meet.

4. Do you support increasing the current minimum wage ($7.25/hour) to a living hourly wage of $15.00 and increasing the tipped wage ($2.13/hour) to a living hourly wage of $3.15, and making sure both keep up with inflation?

Yes. The cost of living has continued to rise and our wages haven’t kept up. It’s time workers are paid fairly for a hard day’s work.

5. Do you support more federal funding for subsidized child care for low-income working families?

Yes. To keep women and men in the workforce and to help grow our economy, we need to support working families by providing middle and lower income families tax credits to make child care more affordable.

Just Harvest is a non-partisan organization. These survey responses are provided as voter education only.

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