Food assistance for the hungry shouldn’t have a time limit

Food for the hungry shouldn't have a time limit. Submit a comment to keep #HandsOffSNAP at

Don’t let officials in Washington take food away from 755,000 people – including 90,000 Pennsylvanians.

The Trump administration has proposed a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) rule to restrict states’ ability to provide SNAP benefits to childless adults living in high-unemployment areas who are struggling to find a steady job. It would toughen the time limit on food benefits for unemployed and underemployed people who can’t document sufficient weekly work hours.  Hundreds of thousands more Americans would lose SNAP eligibility after three months.

Anti-hunger advocates are urged to submit a comment expressing their strong opposition to the proposed rule during the 60-day public comment period that ends on April 2, 2019.

Many people in our communities who are already struggling would be kicked off SNAP after just three months even if they:

  • have searched for work but live in an area where very few jobs are available,
  • are working but can only secure part-time hours (less than 20 hours per week),
  • need time to build skills needed for the types of jobs available in today’s economy, or
  • face barriers to employment such as returning home from incarceration or seeking treatment for addiction – barriers that will only become more difficult to overcome without food.

For all these reasons, a majority of the U.S. Senate voted to remove this measure a few months ago from the 2018 five-year Farm Bill. Pres. Trump should respect and defer to that decision, not seek to evade it.

What You Can Do

Those at risk need our help! Submit a comment stating your strong opposition to the proposed rule during the public comment period (ends April 2, 2019).

orange arrowSubmit your comment to the federal government online. Find out how at

orange arrowEncourage everyone you know who cares about hunger to submit a comment – the more comments the better!

orange arrow Join us on March 20 to submit your comment at Power of the Pen: Take action against time limits on hunger assistance

Want To Do Even More?

orange arrowSend a quick note to thank Sen. Casey. He has signed onto a birpartisan letter urging fellow senators to oppose this harsh policy proposal.

orange arrowAsk Sen. Toomey to sign onto the letter as well. Tell him he needs to stand up to the president abusing his power by issuing a rule that Congress already explicitly rejected.


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